"Before you can search for truth, you must be interested in finding it." -Miroslav Volf

Monday, September 24, 2012

Clara and I Talk About My Studies (In Pictures)

Sometimes when I've been studying all day, I find it helpful to bounce some ideas off of Clara, just to help me process some different ideas floating around in my head. She's a good listener, as her faces show...

Me: Clara, can I talk to you for a while? I want to talk to you about eudaimonia.

Me: Hey, come on, are you looking at Mama to "rescue" you from me?

Me: Man, Clara, I am SO done with Augustine for a while. And the thing is, I'm not done.

Me: Did you know that menstruating women used to be excluded from church gatherings?

Me: So someone suggested that the gathering of loaves and fishes is allegorical of what God does with the scattered particles of our long-dead bodies at the final resurrection.

Me: Speaking of fish, maybe Jonah reveals to us our aversion to diversity and our discomfort with the fact that God loves those "others."

Me: I cheated on my margins yesterday. I made them 0.8 inches instead of 1.0.

Me: Hey, look Clara, my finger.

Me: And another thing, what's the deal with St Jerome? Am I right?

Me: Clara, I'm getting the impression you're kind of done with this conversation. Are you pretending to be sleeping? Come on, I can see that your eyes are open.

Clara is the best conversation partner.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Lillian said...

Precious! Clara is so going to enjoy this blog when she grows up :) God Bless!