a blog about belief, dialogue, enjoyment, formation, funny, and the road to a PhD
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Finished, sort of.
I'm working on a research summary paper, and will hopefully finish that within the week. If you are interested in reading this, email me and let me know and I will send you a copy.
Thanks for following along!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Santiago, Chile

A shot of some protesters in one of the downtown plazas...as in Bolivia and Argentina, I've seen discontent with the government expressed in such public displays. This was, however, far less violent and much more theatrical...as maybe you can see by the facepaint and the guy (can you spot him?) dressed as Spiderman.

So there it is...another stage of my trip filled with wonderful new relationships and some fabulous learning experiences. I've been so spoiled by this trip...and am grateful for all of it.
I'm wrapping up a full week here in Chile, and am heading up to Lima tomorrow morning (Monday) on a two-day bus trip, and will fly home late Thursday night.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Argentina: Buenos Aires & Rio Cuarto

Great time in Argentina, though brief. I just arrived today (Monday) in Santiago, Chile, my last stop on this journey before heading back to Lima and flying home (in 11 days). I'm staying with the family of Ornella, an exchange student with whom I went to high school (though she's in England). Continuing to have a wonderful time, though all the friends and family I miss have made me about ready to come home.
Friday, July 11, 2008
And now, I´m staying on a farm near Rio Cuarto, the complete opposite of Buenos Aires, mostly resting, eating way too much, and catching up on some of my notes and processing of this trip.
All for now...more elaboration and some pics in a few days. Adios.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Santa Cruz, mi amigos y familia

Okay, blog is working again. Figured out and fixed the problem.
So the past week spent in Santa Cruz was marvelous. The city itself did not necessarily blow me away as far as the touristy-stuff, but out of all the cities I've visited, here, more than anywhere else in South America, I have formed the most meaningful relationships and had the most fruitful conversations.
The people, the friendships I've made here, the way I've got to experience Latin American "life" better here than anywhere else...this has made my time here incredibly special. The pictures below are of many of the people who've made my time here what it is.

And some traditional Bolivian dancing. This was at a YWAM send-off for David's daughter, Ani, before she left on a mission trip to China.
So...now I am in Argentina, currently in Buenos Aires for a few days before I head west toward another part of the country. Whole different world here, for sure. Been strange and interesting so far in a day and a half, but positive. More explanation on that in a few days.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
And that's important. I don't want to say much, but have many pictures of wonderful people to share.
So...bummer. The itinerary update is that I am leaving Santa Cruz tomorrow (with mixed emotions) and flying to Buenos Aires to begin the Argentina phase of my trip.
Will post pics as soon as I figure out the problem.